the black hole

i really want to die,i love someone who doesn't love me back and it is all my fault for being a terrible person. i don't want to live in this mess i made of my life anymore. my friends would be broken if i died, that is the only thing keeping me going at this point but i just wish i was still in the comforts of my own bed with the person i love. i was so ungrateful, i had it all and i wanted freedom but there is no such thing in this world. the closest i got to heaven was with him. he is stilll kind to me. we have "ran our course" and i was the one who made this choice and now i am the one who regrets it. he deserves someone better than me and kinder than me. i wish i could go back in time and savour our years together. i will never love like that again. i wish we were together again. i wish i didn't spoil everything by being an awful human being.

come back.

go back home